Camille Burkhart Photography


Hello, dear visitor, and thank you for stopping by.

My name is Camille. I'm a French photographer based in Amsterdam, and I'm simply in awe of our world. This huge, complex, diverse and rich world.

I grow as I explore places, quietly. As I observe people, discreetly. With curiosity, only. No judgement, no expectation, no pre-conception. Full hearts and eyes wide open, just as a child discovering something new and different. Noticing, and learning.

THIS is exactly what I aim to share through my photography, depicting what I experience, what I see, witness and discover, just as it is.

I hope you will sense a little piece of it at least, as you discover my photographs, and whether you do or not, just know that I always love to hear from you. Your thoughts, impressions.

So please, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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